Monday, June 13, 2016


For P-Day today, we had planned to get the Cheraw Elders and Zone
leaders and us together and play tennis, but it rained all day...
Instead, Frank took us to Florence to Academy Sports and I got some
sunglasses. The mission has approved for us to wear sunglasses now
which is really nice on a bike! After that, we ate at a Buffet called
the "Thunderbird Buffet" which is all soul food. I had some fatback
for the first time and it was pretty good! Really salty... Haha
When we got back to Hartsville, we met with a bunch of youth and
played basketball at the gym. They brought a bunch of friends who
weren't members as well. It was a lot of fun!

Today, we went over and helped Sis. Mason with a mower she just
bought. She didn't end up wanting it, so we are going to take it back
for her tomorrow. After that, we went over and talked to a potential
named Gina with Sis. Mason and taught her a little bit. We rode our
bikes with her son to his baseball practice to make sure he got there
safe. We tried by a couple other people who weren't home and headed
back for dinner.  Frank picked us up and took us to Sonic to eat since
he was in town playing tennis.

We had an interesting lesson today... We talked to an old lady who
called babies Devils and children little liars. She also said that
baptism doesn't need to be by water and that it only needs to be from
the Spirit. We bashed her with all kinds of scriptures in the bible
about how both of those are not true. I was pretty frustrated. We
would read the verses and she would say, "that's exactly right and go
on about what she believes still! The Spirit was not there, so we
decided to say a prayer with her and leave. When she looked at me in
the eyes and said that she thinks babies are "little devils" I just
felt this darkness in my chest because I knew that, that wasn't right
at all. Pastors here deceive people so much and rob them. I always
think about 2 Nephi 28: 8-18 and how powerful and true that statement
is. They were prideful and taught "by the precepts of men."
After that quick lesson, we went over to Sis. Mason's and got her
mower to take back. A guy in the parking lot of Lowe's yelled out his
window and asked us when we are coming over again. He invited us over
for hamburgers tomorrow. Haha so he yelled out his address. I don't
think I have ever met him before. Haha, So we will see how this goes

We went to go visit a less active who was at a nonmembers, so we got a
member present. We shared a little bit of the Restoration with her
while we went over to visit the less active. After the lesson, we went
over to see if there was another less active home. He graduated from
Coker college here and planned to move, so we were going to ask if he
needed help. We stopped by and the guy who answered said that he
already left. We got to talking to the guy who answered the door and
he seemed like a really cool guy. He wrestles at Coker College here in
the 155 weight class. He had cauliflower ear so I noticed and that's
how I brought it up and asked. I challenged him right then and there
to wrestle! Haha kidding. But he said that we could come back anytime,
so we will have to take up him on that.
When we got back for dinner, we came in and started fixing some food
and then noticed that our apartment got broken into. The front door
frame was all busted out like someone kicked the door open. We usually
go in the back door, so we didn't notice until a little later. We
quickly looked around the apartment and nothing taken except our jar
of change that we've been saving up from picking up coins on the
street. It's interesting because in the back two rooms my new
sunglasses, my watches, E. Staley's guitar and his emergency cash was
sitting out. It makes me wonder what stopped them from going back into
the rooms. Probably all the pictures of Jesus and no tv! We were
definantly blessed that they didn't take anything. We had to file a
report with the police anyway. I know the Mayor pretty well, so we
texted him and told him what happened as well. Haha no big deal! When
we told Sis. Thompson about it, she took over a tiny little .22 pistol
of her boyfriend's to use in case something else happens. This thing
is smaller than my watch!

ZTM was today and it was really good! P the ZLs shared a couple
snippets from talks given by President Eyring and Elder Holland. They
were talking about self evaluation and being confident in yourself.
The mission as a whole,has been struggling a little bit, so I think
this was s great thing to go over. After our meeting, Elder Parker who
is an amazing organ player, jams out on the organ like usual. He
played for his ward back home at the age of 14. I asked him to play
some Journey and he can just play the tune without even messing up! He
wants to play for the MOTAB someday. We ate at a really good Mexican
restaurant with the ZLs and the Cheraw Elders before we went back to
H-Ville. We got back and went to contact a referral. They weren't
home, but we decided to knock around them. We knew there was a reason
why we were prompted to go over there in that area today. We met a
lady named Tangie across the street who has a family and was
interested in our message. She asked us to come back another day and
teach her. It is so hot outside today. We have been chugging water to
try and keep up with the humidity and heat. Towards the end of the
night, we met with the Beckett family and shared a message with them.

This morning, Bro. Beckett picked us up and we went over to Anthony's.
He had a tree fall in his driveway that was good sized. We not being
able to use power tools cut it all up with a bow saw... I ran that saw
while Elder Staley drug all the limbs into a pile. It was a workout
and a half! I was drenched in sweat. It has been so hot this week. The
humidity sucks.
 Daniel came out with us today for a couple hours. We worked hard for
those two hours to get some lessons in with a member present. We have
been praying daily to focus on member presents this week and we used
faith as a power to accomplish it! We met the mission's standard of
excellence of 8 member present lessons this week. It was a big
accomplishment for us! While we were out, a black guy on his bike rode
by and asked what we were doing. We saw him talking to a guy in a car
and looking over at us right before he approached us. We told him and
he said he has someone for us to teach. I got this dark feeling from
him. We started to follow him a little bit, but I did not feel right
about it... We turned down this road and Elder Staley told me he
didn't feel good about this. That sealed the deal that we shouldn't
pursue any farther. I rode up next to him to look into his eyes and I
couldn't see any sincerity in them... When I got close, I noticed that
he had a gun on him. I told him that we will try to stop by later, but
we have an appointment to go to somewhere else and we rode away. The
very next door that we were led to knock on was what I believe, a
reward for listening to that prompting. We met two really awesome
families in the same home and taught them. They seemed really
interested and want to learn more! I get a gut-wrenching feeling
thinking about what could have happened if we followed that guy any
farther. I also think that we wouldn't have been able to meet those
families and accomplish our goal of member presents this week. That
was the last door we tried until Daniel had to go home. It was such a
big testimony builder this week. The Lord knows our desires and
intentions, so as long as we are doing all we can and praying for the
desire... He will answer and grant you the desire if it is His will.
After Daniel left, we worked until dinner and then had Bro. Ellison
(our ward mission leader) pick us to see a recent convert who hasn't
been to church in awhile. His phone is broken, so we were just trying
by. He was home and we were able to have a good visit with him! There
was a less active there as well, so we invited them both to church
tomorrow. They said that they will be there!

Today was ward conference and we had a pretty good turnout! The recent
convert and less active we saw yesterday showed up which was awesome!
A few other LAs we have been working with were there as well. One of
the Beckett's kids who is four turned around to us during sacrament
meeting and said, "Hey Elders! Someday, I'm going to be on a mission
with you guys!" Haha I thought it was cute.
There was a ton of food, so we had some good eatin'! After church, we
went to a program they had going on at a park in the ghetto area
called "Gospel in the Park." We brought a bunch of BoMs, Bibles and
pamphlets to handout. We had no idea what to expect when we went
there. We were thinking that someone was going to try and bash with
us. We got there and there was about 200 people there. And we were
probably the only two white guys there. Haha most of the people were
really nice to us! We passed out a lot of BoMs and taught 7 people
while we were there. It was quite the experience and an interesting
crowd! So much fun though. They had free fried fish and hot dogs too!
After Gospel in the Park, we paid Bro. Haney a visit and talked with
him for awhile.
I am very happy with how our week went. We had some trials this week
to try and keep us from our purpose, but we endured them and continued
to work! Half of our member presents were from revelation and
promptings. We felt prompted during planning to stop and see some
members and they had nonmembers over there when we showed up, so we
taught them! I am excited to see what next week has in store for us.
We are going to work even harder. This week was one of the most
successful and enjoyable weeks I've had on my mission thus far!
Transfers are next week, but we are both staying because E. Staley is
still in training.

"...the principle of power which existed in the bosom of God, by which
the worlds were framed, was faith; and that it is by reason of this
principle of power existing in the Deity, that all created things
exist; so that all things in heaven, on earth, or under the earth,
exist by reason of faith is it existed in Him.
Had it not been for the principle of faith the worlds would have never
been framed, neither would man have been formed of dust. It is the
principle by which Jehovah works, and through which he exercises power
over all temporal as well as eternal things. Take this principle of
attribute--for it is an attribute--from the Deity, and he would cease
to exist -Joseph Smith (Lectures on Faith)."

Scripture of the week:
D&C 123: 12-14
"12. For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and
denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men,
whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the
truth because they know not where to find it-

13. Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing
to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and
they are truly manifest from heaven-

14. These should then be attended to with great earnestness."

-Elder Mitchell


Dequan (far right black shirt) brought his friends to the church and we played some ball! Our team won 4-3 games. 😎 it was a lot of fun!