Monday, September 19, 2016


We finally had a DDM this morning which was in Orangeburg. It went pretty well and one of the senior missionaries made us lunch! We tried to catch a few people on the way back in our area and didn't have much luck. We did catch this lady that is a less active and she was very different! She was watching a movie when we came in and we apologized for interrupting it and making her stop it. She went on about how it wasn't a very good movie because he involved a lot of "intercourse." She said, "you know how boy's hormones go all crazy and they get all horny." Haha it was very awkward, so we quickly changed the conversation! She is a very blunt person who doesn't really hold back anything. After that visit, we went to see Craig who is the excommunicated guy. We had to find out where he was excommunicated and when so that the bishop could request his file. He seemed pretty open about it, except for telling us what happened. It made it a lot easier and less awkward! Later this evening, we went on Splits. We had an appointment with Chanta that we couldn't miss. E. Scarff had to go and interview someone in the district for baptism, So E. Winn and I went to see Chanta. Our lesson went really well! I tried to get E. Winn involved as much as I could. She is still on date for the 24th of this month and she has to be smoke-free by Thursday because that's the deal we made with her. Technically, she can't smoke for at least a week from her baptismal date, but we pushed it sooner. She said that she won't let us down!

We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders today and that was a lot of fun! E. Jacobsen came to Congaree with E. Winn and I. We had quite a bit of appointments today, but most of them fell through. We met with Bro. Newhouse and talked about the importance of scripture study since he hasn't been reading lately. We got to do some service for a less active lady who is a single with 6 kids. She had mattresses and box springs outside along with a big fish tank and other junk. She asked to have it all taken to the dump because her home owners insurance guy said it needed to be done in the next few days. Otherwise, he would take away her insurance. So let's just set the scene... It had just gotten done pouring and everything was soaked making it stinky and heavier. They had been outside for awhile so bugs were crawling all over and inside them. We forgot gloves, so we got to do it all with our bare hands! We went over to Brian's house and taught him some of the commandments for his new member lessons. They're going to work on having more family scripture study.

We finished up exchanges today and met up at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. We got a gift card from one of the Spanish Elders because he's trying to watch his weight. Sis. Jenkins who is the less active lady with 6 kids invited us back over since we didn't get to see her yesterday. She thanked us for what we did and we shared a message with her. We offered up more service for her since she needs a lot of help painting and patching holes in the wall. Ward coordination was tonight and we talked about the "Open House" that we are planning to have as a way to find new investigators. We are going to do a church tour and have some speakers by the presidents of the quorums and auxiliaries. They're going to talk about family history, the role of men/women in the church, the youth program, baptism (showing the baptismal font), and sacrament in the chapel. Then, we are going to have some recent converts bear their testimonies on how they came to know the church was true which one of them is Brian. We also, talked about Chanta who is still on date for the 24th and seems really solid still! After Coordination, we went to soccer night at the church where a bunch of Mexicans that that Spanish Elders invite each week who are nonmembers come and play. I scored a goal, so that was pretty dang sweet. Haha 😎 This evening, we were playing football in the apartment with the Spanish Elders like we usually do and E. Scarff was getting mad at us. We yell out calls, plays and audibles before we hike the ball to eachother and it's so funny! E. Gerardo recorded it, so I'll send the video out! 

Our day didn't seem like it was too eventful, but it actually ended up going pretty well! We went over to the Capell's who are active and got two referrals from them. One isn't in our area, but we can refer them to other Elders. We had planned to bike over there, but E. Winn got on his new bike and popped a wheelie in our parking lot and knocked off the whole tire. Haha he got it back on, but it fell off again so we gave up and Bro. Capell picked us up. When we got back, I made some awesome fried shrimp with the shrimp that was caught from Charleston. I made some really good StirFry with it last week! After dinner, we went over to see Chanta and teach her. We taught her the 10 Commandments and went into detail with them, so that she understood all of them. 

Chanta came to church again today and we taught her about tithing and fast offerings after church. She is going to get interviewed on the 22nd this next week because she's going to be baptized this coming Saturday and I'm so excited for her! We headed home and got a little food and then, headed to a member of the Elder's quorum. They are doing something called the "Shepherding event" where they're going to the less actives in their given areas to visit and invite them to the Fish Fry and let them know we are thinking about them. They split us up with members of the Elder's quorum, so I went out with Bro. Capell. They are doing this once a month with different people covering different areas. We only caught one person at home, but we left notes and invites.

Elder Mitchell