Monday, February 13, 2017


Last night, we went to visit Lynda and shared a message with her. She is doing so well! She's already in 2 Nephi in her scripture study and she called bishop to set up a time to meet with him about going to the temple!
Today, we helped Cindy who is an investigator of ours move a couch. She bought one from her friend that we went to go help her move onto her trailer. Then, we went over to her house to help move it into her living room. We noticed that she had some reading material from the Jehovah's Witnesses from stopping by, so we snagged it without her noticing. Haha she doesn't need to be reading that stuff anyway! Later this evening, we met with Ruben and brought Bro. Gallahar with us. It was a great visit and Sis. Reynolds even fed us dinner! We talked a little bit of the organization of the church and the BoM.

We got to start my birthday off by doing service for someone in Columbia with SBP. We did some more mold remediation at another house. We got all suited up in that gear again. After we got back from the service, we went on exchanges with the Ridgeway Elders. We all stayed in Blythewood and just worked there. Lamping & Oliver went to an appointment we had scheduled while Dean and I knocked around and found two new investigators! We set return appointments with them to come back. Later on that night, we went to Oliver to share a message with them. Little did I know... It was a planned surprise party for me. A lot of people showed up -including Lynda! The sister brought my favorite types of wings to the party to cater. Eric cooked me up a New York cheesecake! It was so much fun to have everyone together. I will always remember this birthday and the people I got to spend it with.

We continued our exchanges today, except I went with Oliver today. It was a long day since we weren't able to catch anyone at home. We did quite a bit of knocking as well. One neat experience that happened today was that we decided to go eat lunch at Panda Express. Firstly, we were walking in the parking lot and we saw a big deisel truck by the front door. The back tailgate had a sticker with writing on it in cursive saying; "Just because there's smoke, it don't mean it's Broke." I was thinking that, that was pretty odd that someone would put that on their truck... Haha but funny! We walked in the doors and a less active was there! Bro. Dove was right in front of us ordering food. We went up to say hi and he was happy to see us. He bought our lunch and saved a seat to sit by him. We had a good visit with him and was just casual. When we went to leave, he got in that truck in the parking lot and drove off. Haha, he is such a funny guy and even funnier that it was his truck we were joking about! Good thing we didn't say anything to him about it! Later this evening, we went to choir practice since Lynda cancelled our appointment with her due to illness. Lamping and Dean were there as well! After that, we finished up exchanges and got ready for tomorrow.

We got up and got ready for ZTM this morning which went really well! They trained on Obedience and being more of accepting to change. After ZTM, we went to Lizard Thicket to have some good southern cookin'! After we ate, we came back and stopped by a guy we had an appointment with, but he wasn't home. We stopped by a few others on our way back with no luck. We ended the night with a productive weekly planning session.

This morning, we helped the Garbe's move into their new house which took a good 20mknutes with just three of us. They don't have very many of their belongings since they're all out in Colorado. They took out to eat at Bojangle's afterwards which was good as always! We got back to the apartment and we had about 30min until we had to go meet Bro. Moon to ride with him to go help clean the church. We got there and the Sisters were there as well. They brought an investigator they have who is on date for baptism next weekend! They have him a tour of the church and then, helped us all clean the church. We made quick work of cleaning and headed back to the apartment. We had an appointment with Lynda which ended up really well. We talked about how God will give/allow trials to help us grow and learn from them. She is struggling with a lot of night terrors, so we helped her understand why she may be going through them. We gave her a blessing before we left to help with them.

Church was interesting today! We had a "musical sacrament" where a member from each quorum and auxiliary goes up and shares their testimony along with their favorite hymn and why it is their favorite. After that, we would sing the hymn that they shared. About seven people went up to do that and it was really spiritual! After that, I taught Gospel Pinciples today which turned out well. We had a big turnout that came to class today. We overheard Ruben talking to Bishop about him wanting to get baptized. He also, expressed that he wants to get married with Debbie in the temple! It was so exciting to hear that. He is such a great guy and is very sincere. I can't wait until he is able to eventually, get to that point!
Lynda grabbed us after church and told us that she met with bishop and is working on getting her limited-use temple recommend. She said that the bishop is going to assign her as a primary teacher! She's was so excited for that because she said that she really wanted to work with kids. I am so happy for her and the progress she has made.
-Elder Mitchell